artificial intelligence in btech (3)

Which B Tech is most demanded?

Automation and artificial intelligence are two examples of data-driven technologies that are becoming more and more valuable to businesses. Thus, rather than declining, the need for data scientists is expected to rise in the future years. Data scienc...

Pankaj Verma · 30 May · 1

Engineering in Greater Noida – Best B. Tech Colleges 2024

India's technology industry is essentially thriving in the 21st century. This has happened in the previous ten years for a variety of reasons, such as the abrupt emergence of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science technology and significant industr...

Pankaj Verma · 08 December 2023 · 3

Is Artificial Intelligence More Difficult than Data Science?

Do you want to know if Data Science or Artificial Intelligence in B Tech, which is more difficult? This in-depth article covers the subject thoroughly and provides professional commentary, frequently asked questions, and a clear solution. Introducti...

Pankaj Verma · 12 October 2023 · 2